Welcome to qmd-progress’s documentation!

This website is intended to provide some guidance on how to get and install the PROGRESS library. LA-UR number LA-UR-17-27372


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A library for quantum chemistry solvers

PROGRESS: Parallel, Rapid O(N) and Graph-based Recursive Electronic Structure Solver. LA-CC-16-068


(in alphabetical order)


Build Dependencies

  • >=OpenMP-3.1

  • >=metis-5.0 if building with PROGRESS_GRAPHLIB

Note that on some distributions, metis is available as a package. Make sure you install the -dev package. For example, Ubuntu requires libmetis-dev.

Testing in our CI container

We are switching our CI tests from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions because Travis-CI is limiting the number of builds for open source projects. Our workflow uses a custom Docker image which comes with the necessary compiler tool chain and a pre-installed bml library to build and test the qmd-progress library. Using docker is a convenient and quick way to develop, build, and test the qmd-progress library.


Inside the container:

./build.sh compile

Alternatively, you can run one of the CI tests by executing e.g.


Build and Install Instructions

How to build

CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<BML install path> ./build.sh

How to install

cd build
sudo make install

To specify the Intel Fortran compiler:

FC=ifort PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<BML install path>/lib/pkgconfig ./build.sh

To build with the gfortran compiler and OpenMP:

CC=gcc FC=gfortran \
    CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<BML install path> \
    ./build.sh configure

To build with OpenMP, MPI and testing enabled:

CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 \
    CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    PROGRESS_MPI=yes \
    CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<BML install path> \
    ./build.sh configure

To build with OpenMP, MPI, testing enabled and example programs built:

CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 \
        CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        PROGRESS_OPENMP=yes \
        PROGRESS_MPI=yes \
        PROGRESS_TESTING=yes \
        CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<BML install path> \
        CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<PROGRESS install path> \
        ./build.sh configure

To build with OpenMP and MPI and testing enabled and example programs built and the METIS graph partitioning library:

CC=mpicc FC=mpif90 \
        CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
        PROGRESS_OPENMP=yes \
        PROGRESS_MPI=yes \
        PROGRESS_TESTING=yes \
        CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<BML install path> \
        CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<PROGRESS install path> \
        ./build.sh configure


    title={\textrm{PROGRESS} Version 1.0},
    author={Niklasson, Anders M. and
            Mniszewski, Susan M and
            Negre, Christian F. A. and
            Wall, Michael E. and
            Cawkwell, Marc J., and
            Nicolas Bock},
    url = {https://github.com/lanl/qmd-progress},
    institution={Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)}

Support acknowledges

This development is currently supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of two U.S. Department of Energy organizations (Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration) responsible for the planning and preparation of a capable exascale ecosystem, including software, applications, hardware, advanced system engineering, and early testbed platforms, in support of the nation’s exascale computing imperative.

Basic Energy Sciences (LANL2014E8AN) and the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Los Alamos National Laboratory. To tests these developments we used resources provided by the Los Alamos National Laboratory Institutional Computing Program, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration


In this section, we will provide some examples of how to effectively use the PROGRESS library. To follow along, it is important to be already familiar with the BML library and have it successfully compiled and installed. All the PROGRESS libraries API calls details can be found at PROGRESS. Here we will not provide details on the API calls. This documentation has been approved for unlimited release with LA-UR-23-28151.

Sample Code

To begin, let’s create a sample code that can be easily compiled by utilizing the necessary “flags” and environment variables from both PROGRESS and BML libraries. In this example, we assume that these libraries are located in the $HOME directory.

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to your home directory, and create a new directory called “exampleCode”:

    cd ~
    mkdir exampleCode
  2. Change into the “exampleCode” directory, and create a folder called “src” to store our source code files:

    cd exampleCode
    mkdir src
  3. Now you are ready to start writing a sample code within the “src” directory. This structure will help keep the code organized and maintainable throughout the development process.

Here is an example of a sample code file (e.g., main.F90) that you can create inside the “src” directory:

 program main

  use bml
  use prg_sp2_mod
  use myMod

  call mySub()

end program main

Because most certainly the code will have modules. Let’s also create a module (e.g., myMod.F90) for our code with an example subroutine:

 module myMod

 subroutine mySub

  write(*,*)"Hello from Sub!"

 end subroutine mySub

end module myMod

4. Next, we will write a simple CMakeLists.txt inside /src which will allow us to automatically compile our code using all the FORTRAN flags that were used for BML and PROGRESS. We will also add directives to link to both BML and PROGRESS libraries. The CMakeLists.txt will look like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10.0)
project(main VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES Fortran)


pkg_check_modules(PROGRESS REQUIRED progress)
message(STATUS "Found progress: ${PROGRESS_LDFLAGS}")

find_package(BML CONFIG QUIET)
pkg_check_modules(BML REQUIRED bml)
message(STATUS "Found bml: ${BML_LDFLAGS}")

  message(STATUS "Will build with MPI")

message(STATUS "Project sources = " ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} )

add_executable(main main.F90 myMod.F90)

target_include_directories(main PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_include_directories(main PRIVATE ${BML_INCLUDEDIR})
target_include_directories(main PRIVATE ${PROGRESS_INCLUDEDIR})

target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE  ${LINK_LIBRARIES})

set_target_properties(main PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "")


Feel free to modify the code according to your requirements and desired functionality. More modules can be easily added in the CMakeLists.txt file. Once you have completed your sample code, you can proceed with compiling it as follows:

mkdir build ; cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$HOME/qmd-progress/install/;$HOME/bml/install" ../src/

Note that the option -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=mpif77 may need to be added when using MPI. Remember to refer to the documentation of the PROGRESS and BML libraries for further details on how to utilize their features effectively. In order to run the code we just need to type:


Let’s now build a sample Hamiltonian matrix according to reference [Finkelstein]. Details on the parameters and how to use this API call ca be found at: Model Hamiltonian. The code will need to be changed as follows:

 module myMod
  use bml
  use prg_modelham_mod

  subroutine mySub
   implicit none
   real(8) :: ea, eb, dab, daiaj, dbibj, dec, rcoeff
   integer :: norbs, prec, seed, verbose
   logical :: reshuffle
   type(bml_matrix_t) ::  ham_bml

   prec = kind(1.0d0)
   call bml_zero_matrix("dense",bml_element_real,prec,norbs,norbs,ham_bml)

   ea = 0.0d0; eb = 0.0d0; dab = -2.0d0; daiaj = 0.0d0 ; dbibj = -1.0d0
   dec = -1000.0d0; rcoeff = 0.0d0; reshuffle = .false. ; seed = 123; verbose = 1
   call prg_twolevel_model(ea, eb, dab, daiaj, dbibj, &
     dec, rcoeff, reshuffle, seed, ham_bml, verbose)

 end subroutine mySub

end module myMod

Running this code will produce a 100x100 Model Hamiltonian Matrix that one can use to test any PROGRESS algorithm. The output will only show part of the matrix:

    0.000 -2.000  0.000 -2.020
    -2.000  0.000 -2.000 -1.000
    0.000 -2.000  0.000 -2.000

Building a Density Matrix

One of the most important bottlenecks in computational chemistry is the calculation of the density matrix (DM). Usually this is calculated by direct application of the Fermi function. The method involves performing a matrix diagonalization in which all the computational effort is concentrated. Here we will use a PROGRESS library call to build the density matrix from the Hamiltonian using different methods.

Direct Fermi function application

Follow the steps provided on the section before to obtain a Hamiltonian matrix to work with. Then, add the density matrix module in the scope section on the myMod.F90 module file as follows:

module myMod
 use bml
 use prg_modelham_mod
 use prg_densitymatrix_mod !Density matrix module

Add the following lines to the scope of the subroutine in order to define the necessary variables:

real(8), allocatable :: eigenvalues(:)
real(8) :: bndfil
integer, parameter :: dp = 8
real(8) :: threshold
type(bml_matrix_t) ::  rho_bml

Then, add the following lines after the Hamiltonian is constructed:

call bml_zero_matrix(bml_type,bml_element_real,dp,norbs,norbs,rho_bml)
threshold = 1.0D-5 !Threshold value to eliminate small elements
bndfil = 0.5 !Electronic filling factor (half of the states will be filled)
!Computing the density matrix with diagonalization
call prg_build_density_T0(ham_bml, rho_bml, threshold, bndfil, eigenvalues)
call bml_print_matrix("rho_bml",rho_bml,0,10,0,10)

This will construct the DM with a direct application of the Fermi function. For a theoretical explanation on this see [Koskinen] and [Niklasson] . One can use the output eigenvalues to plot the Density Of States (DOS) by Adding the following line in the scope of the subroutine:

use prg_dos_mod

and the following code block after the DM is constructed:

!Computing the Fermi Level/Chemical potential
ef = (eigenvalues(int(norbs/2)+1) + eigenvalues(int(norbs/2)))/2
eigenvalues = eigenvalues - ef

!Writting the total DOS
call prg_write_tdos(eigenvalues, 0.05d0, 10000, -20.0d0, 20.0d0, "tdos.dat")

One can then plot the data from tdos.dat using xmgrace or any other plotting tool. To know more about the parametes used in the prg_write_tdos subroutine, reffer to prg_dos_mod.

SP2 Algorithm

In this section we will apply the “Second order spectral purification method,” or SP2 algorithm. This algorithm consists of a series of matrix multiplications that attempt to “purify” the spectrum of the Hamiltonian matrix, resulting in a matrix with eigenvalues 0 or 1 depending on whether the initial eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian was above or below the Fermi level. We will hence replace the codeblock above by the following one:

call bml_zero_matrix(bml_type,bml_element_real,dp,norbs,norbs,rho_bml)
threshold = 1.0D-5 !Threshold value to eliminate small elements
bndfil = 0.5 !Electronic filling factor (half of the states will be filled)

call prg_sp2_alg1(ham_bml,rho_bml,threshold,bndfil,15,100 &

This will solve for DM using the SP2 method.

Congruence transfomation

We will construct the congruence transformation from the overlap matrix. For this, we will use a proxy overlap where orbitals i amd j are overlapping with a function \(S_{ij} = \exp(-|j - i|)\). Note that typically the overlap matrix is computed from the chemical system and further details about this could be found in [Negre2016]. We will start adding the following lines to the module scope: use prg_genz_mod; use prg_nonortho_mod. The following are the heading lines to ba added to the scope of the routine:

type(bml_matrix_t) ::  smat_bml
real(8), allocatable :: smat(:,:)
integer :: i,j

The condeblock to be added to generate the overlap matrix smat_bml is the following:

do i = 1,norbs
 do j = 1,norbs
   smat(i,j) = exp(-1.0*real(abs(j-i),8))

call bml_import_from_dense(bml_type,smat,smat_bml,threshold,norbs)

To obtain a congruence transformation matrix zmat_bml we will add the following lines:

call bml_zero_matrix(bml_type,bml_element_real,dp,norbs,norbs,zmat_bml)
call prg_buildzdiag(smat_bml,zmat_bml,threshold,norbs,bml_type)
call bml_print_matrix("zmat_bml",zmat_bml,0,10,0,10)

Other linear scaling algorithms can be also used in combination with sparse bml matrix types. This can be seen in: Congruence transformation. Once the matrix zmat_bml is obtained one can “orthogonalize” the Hamiltonian matrix using routines in Orthogonalization/deorthogonalization.

Handling chemical system

Although this is not the main purpose of the progress library, several tools are in place to handle chemical systems. For instance, one can read and write a pdb, xyz, dat (LATTE input), and lmp (lammps input) file by calling a routine. The module to be used is the prg_system_mod. The system derived type is then used to access all the systems information, including coordinates and atomic types. An example follows. Lets create a coordinate coords.xyz file as follows:

h2o initial system
O 0.0 0.0 0.0
H 0.0 0.0 1.0
H 0.0 1.0 0.0

This system can be read/parsed as follows:

call prg_parse_system(sy,"coords.xyz")

Details about the system type can be found at: System type.



Koskinen, Pekka, and Ville Mäkinen. 2009. “Density-Functional Tight-Binding for Beginners.” Computational Materials Science 47 (1): 237–53.


Niklasson, Anders M. N., and Matt Challacombe. 2004. “Density Matrix Perturbation Theory.” Physical Review Letters 92 (19): 193001.


J. Finkelstein, C. Negre, J. L. Fattebert. 2023. “A fast, dense Chebyshev solver for electronic structure on GPUs”.


Negre, Christian F. A., Susan M. Mniszewski, Marc J. Cawkwell, Nicolas Bock, Michael E. Wall, and Anders M. N. Niklasson. 2016. “Recursive Factorization of the Inverse Overlap Matrix in Linear-Scaling Quantum Molecular Dynamics Simulations.” Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 12 (7): 3063–73.

Indices and tables